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In Razem, Shkoder, Albania you can enjoy the beauty of the mountains in northern Albanian Alps and experience different indoor and outdoor activities such as: Hiking Tour, Tourist Guide, Climbing, Visiting caves, Mountain Biking, Snowmobile, Wander, Picnic, Trekking, Rally, Adventure, Explorations,

  Aktivitetet OUTDOOR  

1. Hiking Tour

2. Tourist Guide

3. Climbing

4. Visiting Caves

5. Mountain Biking

6. Different games

7. Snowmobile

8. Wander

9. Picnic in Nature

10. Different Activities, such as (Rally, Adventure, Explorations)


1. “Mbremja e Shtregullave”

2. Swimming & Sauna

3. Organizing different Events (Christmas, New Year, Mother`s Day, Children Day, Saint Valentine etc.)